How we help professionals
We provide free, time-saving tools and training to help professionals and their organizations serve children and families

AdoptUSKids supports child welfare workers and agencies with the following free resources:
- National photolisting. Child welfare professionals use our free national photolisting to match children in need of permanent homes with parents who are approved to adopt from foster care.
- Publications. We publish guides, tip sheets, and articles, and we archive webinars on topics ranging from finding families to working with diverse communities to writing children’s narratives.
- Capacity-building services. We offer free consultation, webinars, training, and other opportunities for agency leaders to connect, learn and—ultimately—improve their service to children and families.
- Leadership development. We help emerging leaders develop skills and networks through our MPLD program.
- Communications. Our professionals newsletters and an active Twitter channel keep professionals informed about new resources, tools, and best practices that can help them do their jobs better.
Comprehensive evaluation means continuous improvement
The AdoptUSKids evaluation team conducts comprehensive evaluation of all aspects of the project. We use evaluation findings to continuously improve our work and to help states, territories, and tribes improve theirs.
Frequently asked questions about how we help professionals
Every day, AdoptUSKids staff field phone calls and respond to emails from child welfare professionals who are looking for help finding families for children on their caseloads. Below are responses to a few of the frequently asked questions.
How can AdoptUSKids help me find families for children on my caseload?
In several ways!
- Register yourself or your agency on our website to photolist children and search for families.
- Subscribe to our newsletter for professionals to receive child welfare updates and resources.
- Download free copies of our resource guides on topics including finding and supporting families.
How do I list a child on AdoptUSKids?
The first step is registering yourself or your agency to use our photolisting to register children and search for families. Read more about how to photolist and manage cases.
Are there fees to access resources provided by AdoptUSKids?
Never. Registering to use the tools on is free. The resources, materials, and consultation provided by AdoptUSKids to families and professionals are funded through a grant from the US Children’s Bureau.
Who can I contact for help getting registered or photolisting a child?
Call our website technical support staff, 800-901-6911 or email
Things to do next:
- Subscribe to receive our newsletter for frontline professionals, which includes registered family profiles, quick tips, and links to new resources from the field.
- Check out our Twitter channel for professionals, where we highlight top resources for professionals.